McCarthy & Stone Assisted Living, Austen Place, Alton
Electrical Install of an new build assisted living care home
Client Brief
Proud to be part of this award winning Seal of Excellence project for prestigious developers McCarthy & Stone.
Design and Installation of Electrical Services throughout the 31,000sq ft building to provide an efficient high-end finish for a future tenant.
Refurbishment carried out for a local Developer and client who has carried out many similar projects over a 15 year period working as a team to deliver high-end projects.
Challenges for the project were mainly access due to being a busy occupied building and working around staff and students in adjacent areas of the building. Carried out with a number of other university projects during a 6 month period.
This award winning Assisted Living block comprising 56 one and two bedroom apartments, commercial kitchen servicing the bistro and dining room, was completed in line with tight deadlines in August 2018 for McCarthy & Stone.
This project won the Regional SW NHBC award for McCarthy & Stone in the Large Builder category and a Seal of Excellence in September 2018.
Electrical Services
Lighting Systems
- Intelligent Lighting with control systems
- Daylight Dimming
- External and security lighting
Data Cabling & Networking
- Data communication wiring
- Server Cabinets
Power Distribution
- Power supplies and upgrades
- Single phase/ Three phase distribution systems